Coronavirus Prevention Tips

Coronavirus Prevention Tips

Coronavirus Prevention Tips You Should Start Practicing Now. Currently there is no antiviral treatment recommended for coronavirus infection, People infected with coronavirus should receive supportive care to help relieve symptoms. For people who are not yet exposed to the virus should practice safety measures to avoid the infection. Coronavirus prevention tips (safety measures /recommendations) Wash […]

How To Deal With Anxiety

How To Deal With Anxiety

If your anxiety is sporadic(happens in intervals) and getting in the way of your focus or tasks, there are some quick and natural remedies that could help you take control of the situation. If it is focused around a situation, such as being worried about an upcoming event, exam, you may notice the symptoms are […]

Common Signs & Symptoms That You May Have Anxiety

Common Signs & Symptoms That You May Have Anxiety

Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. It can also be explained as a strong desire or concern to do something or for something to happen. Everyone experiences fear and anxiety from time to time, mostly in response to specific situations. However, someone with uncontrollable […]

Cut that belly fat with exercising

Belly fat is a discomfort to many girls as they are unable to wear those nice fitting clothes on market.  Did you know that that belly fat can be erased with exercising?  Here a few exercise that will help you cut belly fat as guided by Ivan kiwanuka a gym instructor. Squats Squats involve standing […]

Understanding ‘Ethics’ towards ‘Bioethics’

Understanding ‘Ethics’ towards ‘Bioethics’

‘Bioethics’ as derived from ‘Ethics’ In our day-to-day lives we encounter words like ‘you are right’, ‘you are wrong’, ‘that is the best’, ‘that is the worst’ plus others that you may mention. These ideas and words believe me make up our life. They add up a lot to the way we relate to each […]

How To Deal With Dandruff in your Natural Hair

How To Deal With Dandruff in your Natural Hair

An itchy scalp can be quite a turnoff especially when it happens often and in public. The scalp usually itches for various reasons but one that stands out is dandruff. It should be noted that dandruff affects up to 50% of people.  It  is usually caused by a dry scalp, skin conditions like eczema, allergic […]

Health: Mind the milk you consume

  By Zuurah Karungi Milk products contain a lot of nutrients for growth and strength to humans, but sometimes the dairy products we take are not as pure as we think especially those sold by vendors as most of them are adulterated. Adulteration of milk reduces its quality and may make it hazardous. Adulterants like, […]

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