Making Love: Why girls take long to get married nowadays

Making Love: Why girls take long to get married nowadays
Some girls nowadays feel happier hanging out than settling for marriage.
Some girls nowadays feel happier hanging out than settling for marriage. PHOTO: Katumba Badru

From my observation, girls who end up in stable marriages are those who use their open wisely. By open time I mean;  a period where girls just want to have fun.

When a guy asks her for an outing, she comes along with some of her roomies and wonders why he was all frowning throughout the evening and drinking only water.

She  shares all her mischief with her friends   and they  have a good laugh over it. At this stage  of their lives , girls see guys as play things ,lamentable ,pitiable species of people  that must continually prove their worth.

During this phase any suggestion of a serious relationship is dismissed with contempt reserved  for  fun.

However today so many girls tend to abuse their open time in one of the following ways ;

The dream man in every grouping or confluence of bachelors and spinsters [church ,club, work place] there is often  one suave, smooth  seemingly one accomplished  guy who is seen as the  ideal husband for most girls, he is the man of their fantasies.

Others prefer prolonging their time
Others prefer prolonging their time.PHOTO: Katumb Badru

Extended playtime; here many belles choose to prolong  their play time and eat up all their open time, so they move from open play time to desperation time. One day they are singing  ‘’girls just wanna have fun’’ the next day they are desperate for a proposal, a few of them must get away with but most do not.

A delay on your part………….,like those women at campus would say, a delay on your part does not constitute an emergency elsewhere. Just because   you are running late does not mean men folk are going to change their behavior. Guys  do not want to talk about marriage  on the first or fourth date  or meet your parents before they  are well acquainted with you.

Do not expect the whole world to align itself  to your desperation, there are certain things you cannot push, the only thing you  will is  perusing prospective husbands away from you. Where do you fall???

Written by Christine  

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