Let’s talk cheating

Let’s talk cheating

Cheating is a way of life. No, let me rephrase that, it is an inevitability of life. There are two things, you have either ever been a cheat or that guy you were ridiculously in love with cheated on you. Let’s cliché this thing up, you are not the only fish in the sea, heck […]

How to get him to tell the truth in a relationship

How to get him to tell the truth in a relationship

Like it or not, every guy, even the nice ones, won’t tell the truth in a relationship now and then. Of course, lying about big things, like cheating, is a deal breaker. But if he’s fudging the details about smaller stuff — such as whether he really needs to work late on the same night […]

How I fell in love with my lecturer

When I joined campus two years ago, little did I know that I would ever fall in love with my lecturer, 22 year old Jane narrates her ordeal. I was too green about relationship issues having spent most of my early child hood education in single schools. During my first days at campus, I used […]