LOVE & DATING: Jacobs was the man any normal girl would want to have

LOVE & DATING: Jacobs was the man any normal girl would want to have

The single mum’s lens: Part 1- chronicles of my sweet Jacobs When I start to describe our physical connection, a whole month of twenty four- hour narration is but the beginning of the introduction to the tale. Until recently, I wailed in lonesomeness each time I educed those times. Well, I may say I’m over him, […]

Love & Dating: How to propose to a loved one and expect a 'yes'

Love & Dating: How to propose to a loved one and expect a 'yes'

Every girl has a dream, and there seems to be no better dream in a girls’ mind than her seeing a serous man proposing to her. Though the timing and how to propose matters for a long lasting success to be attained, the man ought to play the ‘love cards’ right. Proposing requires some romantic creativity on the side of a […]

RELATIONSHIP: Know why love is a beautiful thing but also stressful

RELATIONSHIP: Know why love is a beautiful thing but also stressful

Relationships are stressful, let’s be honest. They make you think, they make you angry, they make you sad, they break your heart. But let’s be honest again, what relationship isn’t stressful? Every relationship is going to have it’s fair share of arguments and misunderstandings, you just have to have the right partner who’s willing to […]