10 things every girl should carry in her bag

10 things every girl should carry in her bag

Being a girl requires more than just being female, you cant walk around with empty bags as you need extra things to take you through the day. Here are some of the few things every girl should have in her bag.


Even if you don’t make up, at least carry is a lip balm, you don’t need to walk around with dry lips. Other things you can carry are lipstick, deodorant,powder or any other makeup of your choice.

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A notebook and a pen

You never know when you might need to note down something, we are in a fast world and every second is a learning opportunity.  Carry a note book and pen so that no opportunity escapes you.

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A Handkerchief

We need to be clean all the time, imagine sitting in a dusty place and you have to clean off the dust,  flu is always unexpected, for all this,a handkerchief will save you all the embarrassment of the day.

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Sanitary towel

Not all girls have regular periods, to avoid spending unnecessarily on pads and getting embarrassed on the road, carry a pad in your bag when your time is due.

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A clean knicker

You might wish to change your knicker at any time especially if you are in your periods, so always go with an extra  one.

A safety pin

Has your zip ever gotten faulty in public?, what of one of your buttons falling off?, well this can happen anywhere and any time. Having a saftey pin will be an absolute savior. However keep it in a safe corner to avoid it piercing you.

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 An umbrella

Whether it is a rainy season or not, every responsible  lady needs to have an umbrella, it will shield you from the rain or the too much sunshine.

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 A comb

You need to keep tidy all day through, keep your hair combed and held well. Hair defines a woman and we have to keep our heads looking good.

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 A Mirror

As you check and clean your self throughout the day, you need to look at yourself in the mirror.

Image result for photo of a beautiful handbag mirror

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