A Visit To Northern and Eastern Uganda – Boo Sauce

A Visit To Northern and Eastern Uganda – Boo Sauce

Today in this episode we are visiting northern and eastern region(s) in Uganda.

Have you heard of the term boo sauce?

It’s a popular sauce in northern and eastern Uganda with a base of chopped boo leaves (gobe), okra (otigo), simsim or sesame seeds, rock salt (soda bi carbonate), water and peanuts/ground nuts. It is also believed that this healthy sauce brings good luck in marriages.

 Step By Step Approach To Preparation Boo Sauce.

  1. It all begins with picking the individual leaves from boo or cow pea plant(s). It is necessary to pluck each leaf, because the branches if picked can make the sauce hard to eat.
  • Wash the leaves in clean water from a clan utensil/ Saucepan; dry them in sunshine for about 30 minutes to remove any remaining soil and hit them gently on the palm.
  • Chop the leaves into bite sized pieces
  • Get some okra / Ladies fingers and wash them then chop as well.
  • Put some water in a saucepan on a charcoal stove, add rock salt and bring it to boil.
Caption here (Patricia Lindrio, GPJ Uganda)
  • Add the boo leaves and washed chopped okra together to the boiling water and cook for about 15 minutes.
  • Keep checking the pot frequently in order to identify the change in the color of the sauce. It should take a yellowish color which is an indicator that you have actually added the right amount of rock salt.
  • After color is achieved, add simsim paste.
  • Reduce the heat & allow the sauce to simmer until it develops a thick texture.
  • Add Salt if necessary and keep stirring until the dish is ready.
  • Serve the sauce with either Millet, bread, cassava, sweet potatoes, posho or any food of choice.

Also read: How To Prepare Pilau (Spiced Plain Rice Or Mixed With Vegetables, Meat or Chicken)

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