Common Signs & Symptoms That You May Have Anxiety

Common Signs & Symptoms That You May Have Anxiety

Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. It can also be explained as a strong desire or concern to do something or for something to happen. Everyone experiences fear and anxiety from time to time, mostly in response to specific situations. However, someone with uncontrollable […]

How to know your Hair Porosity

How to know your Hair Porosity

Hair porosity is quite a confusing topic for most naturals around the globe. Most people with natural hair do not bother to find out what their porosity is before applying hair products. Hair experts advise naturals to first test the porosity of their hair before buying hair products  because each porosity strives well with different […]

5 Dos and Donts of good Photography

5 Dos and Donts of good Photography

DOs 1. Shoot Everyday Good photography comes with constant practice. Shoot as much as you can – it doesn’t really matter what. Just spend hours and hours behind your camera if you own one. If you do not, you can always borrow from a friend. As your technical skills improve over time, your ability to […]

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