
Hunt for Sharon Murderers Extended to Uganda

Hunt for Sharon Murderers Extended to Uganda
Image result for sharon otieno
Daily Nation journalist, Barack Oduor(right) escaped with injuries but Sharon Otieno was murdered: COURTESY PHOTO

Investigators on the second year Rongo University student, Sharon Otieno murder have moved to Uganda and Tanzania to hunt down more three suspects.

Police reports that the suspects directly participated in the brutal mutilation of the seven months pregnant mother.

“It is true we have extended the search to Uganda and Tanzania,” Mr George Kinoti, the Director of Criminal Investigations, told the Nation.

He however refused to disclose all the information about the search fearing to compromise it or even tip off the suspected killers.

“What  I can say is that they won’t have any place to hide. We are on their trail,” said Kinoti.

“They can run, but they can’t hide forever.”

According to the detective report, the fugitives were hired to execute Sharon and were part of the team that controlled the car in which the deceased and journalist Barack Oduor were abducted.

The accused were also either eye witnesses or the very people who rapped, stabbed and killed Sharon and her unborn baby.

“Investigations are still ongoing but we haven’t arrested them. Expect arrests very soon, but we can’t divulge details now because some of these things are prejudicial, and we can’t go anywhere if they are revealed,” DCI head of investigations John Kariuki said.

The prime suspect, who was also the father of Sharon’s unborn baby was, on Thursday granted bail and to appear again before court in February 2019

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