Makerere university School of Public Health announces short Videos and Photo challenge

Makerere university School of Public Health announces short Videos and Photo challenge

Makerere university School of Public Health – RAN is calling for educational and inspiring Videos, artworks, graphics and photographs through the MKITs challenge.

Thematically, submissions can address any themes of solutions that address community challenges which may include innovative approaches or technological innovations addressing effects of climate change and climate variability manifesting as floods, landslides, drought disease epidemics including HIV and AIDS, food insecurity, environmental protection, livelihood diversification, financial inclusion, entrepreneurial activities, sustainable development, rapid urbanization and the associated effects water and sanitation among others and many more areas .

Submissions could portray or illustrate innovation, economic potential, cultural wealth, and use of indigenous knowledge in a creative and non-stereotypical way.

The MKITs challenge has two categories, Individuals may submit as many photos and many videos to either category.

Category 1: Video Contest

Technical specification suggestions:

• Video length: 3 – 5 Minutes.
• Video size: any size, as long as it fits within the first stipulation.

Submitting the Video:

For simplicity, we suggest you upload this video or multimedia presentation to Vimeo or YouTube and submit the link. However, we will accept any link which we can access. If your link is password-protected, please share it with us at the time of submission.
Please use the following links to Useful Tools and other Resources

 Category 2: Photo Contest
As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. Help us tell the story of your project, your activities and community engagement, your accomplishments in improving the lives of communities with a photo.

Photo Requirements: Please send us the highest resolution version of the photo you have. High quality JPG and JPEG. Picture resolution: should be 2MP [1,600 x 1,200] or better. Photos must each be an original submission. Photos must each include a credit: name of photographer and organizational affiliation (if applicable). Photos must each include a unique caption, which includes a description of what is going on in the photo, who is involved, where it was taken, and the challenge you are solving. Generally Photos should “tell the story”.
Submitting the photo: For simplicity upload your picture on flickr and submit the link on the online registration form. (


The overall winners will receive prizes (Theses include Laptop, Smartphones, Internship placement and so much more) and will be featured on the RAN website, social media sites, RAN’s partner bulletins and recognized during the public launch of RAN’s MKITs as documentation and learning tools. Awards will be made to top submissions in the Video and Photo categories. This is an excellent opportunity to get exposure for you and your idea, build support for your project, receive technical feedback, and to practice your documentation skills.

Best Video: 1st, 2nd, prizes will be awarded for Best Video.
Best Photo: 1st, 2nd, prizes will be awarded for Best Photograph

RAN has the right to use your video and photograph through print products, on the web, and in social media (including HESN and USAID sites and platforms). By submitting a video or photograph to this competition you: Declare that you own the video and the photograph or that you have permission to use it. Declare that you have permission to use the visual image of any identifiable individual or building in the photograph. Agree that we will not be responsible for the infringement of any third party rights in the video or photograph, moral or otherwise, that may arise as a result of your actions or omissions and that you indemnify us against all claims, damages and other expenses that may be incurred as a result of your breach of the contest rules.
Contact us

For further inquiry about the MKITs challenge, reach us at : Please include “MKITs Challenge” in your subject line and or call on Tel (Office): +256 414 343 597


Please register and submit your video/ Photo through this link.

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