SET Africa is calling for applications from young social innovators in Anglophone Africa

SET Africa is calling for applications from young social innovators in Anglophone Africa
Africa Anglophone directors with YouthActionNet team during the 2013 Global retreat in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Africa Anglophone directors with YouthActionNet team during the 2013 Global retreat in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Are you a founder or co-founder of a social venture, join the challenge and get funds.

Background: In Africa, 70 percent of the population is under 30 years of age, and Sub-Saharan Africa has the most youthful population in the world. Young people in Africa are helping their communities to address various social problems including unemployment, child abuse, and poor sanitation, among others.

While African Governments have put in place various initiatives to address issues of poverty, health, and access to social services like education, there is slow progress.

Meanwhile, many youth on their own have established initiatives to solve various social problems in their communities and in the process created jobs for not only themselves but other young people in their communities. They have established social enterprises that have through innovative approaches addressed many of the region’s biggest challenges.

About the SET Africa Programme

Social Entrepreneurs Transforming Africa (SET Africa) is a fellowship program for young social entrepreneurs from across Anglophone Africa. SET Africa provides these young leaders with training, networking, and funding opportunities.

The programme is managed by the Makerere University Business School (MUBS) Entrepreneurship Centre in Kampala, Uganda. SET Africa is part of the YouthActionNet® global network of 16 institutes supporting 889 young social entrepreneurs around the world who are impacting 1.3 million lives annually.

SET Africa now invites applications from young social innovators in Anglophone Africa who are founders or co-founders of ventures with a social mission to apply for the SET Africa fellowship run by MUBS. Fellows under this programme will be trained in entrepreneurship and leadership. They will also receive funds to help grow their social enterprises and implement activities to achieve their vision.

The SET Africa programme is managed in collaboration with MUBS, the International Youth Foundation, The MasterCard Foundation, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

What Kinds of Ventures Are We Are Looking For?

a)      Ventures led by youth between 18 and 29 years old that are making a difference in their community.

b)      The venture should have at least one year of impact in the community.

c)      The venture should be able to demonstrate evidence in addressing social problems such as improving access to services like education, finance, health, counseling,  capacity building, helping households increasing incomes, helping children grow in a good environment etc.

d)      The venture can be a non-profit, for-profit, or hybrid business model.

Eligible Applicants:

a)      Must be a founder or co-founder of a social venture.

b)       Should be a citizen from an Anglophone Country (See list of Countries).

c)      Should be between 18 – 29 years by February 24, 2014.

d)       Can demonstrate innovative approaches in addressing social problems.

e)      Should be proficient in English

f)       Must be willing and able to attend a leadership retreat in Kampala, Uganda.

Selection Process:

There will be a transparent selection process using the following steps:

a)      Phase I

This will involve selection of the most innovative social entrepreneurial ventures based on pre-determined selection criteria. Selected applicants will continue to the second phase.

b)      Phase II

This will involve verification of the eligibility of the applicant. This will again be assessed by the selection committee (see eligibility above).

c)      Phase III

The selection committee using predetermined criteria shall evaluate each applicant. Each applicant will be assessed independently by at least two selection committee members. It is from this that a total of 25 applicants from Anglophone countries will be selected.


As part of this programme, the 25 selected fellows will travel to Kampala, Uganda and attend a leadership retreat organized by the MUBS Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and ICT Centres.

The Retreat will take 9 days. As part of the programme, there will be innovation awards for successful applicants to support the development of their social ventures. In addition, mentoring, networking, and further support will be provided to all participants both in their home countries and online for a period of six months after the Retreat.

Timeline and How to Apply:

Deadline for receiving applications: December 13, 2013 at 11:59 East African Time

Notification for successful applicants: January 31, 2014

Announcement of successful applicants: February 3, 2014

How to Apply:

Online applications can be completed and submitted at

The application can also be completed offline and emailed as a PDF or Word document to not later than December 13, 2013 at 11:59 East African Time.

Contact Information:

Tel: +256-414-338125


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