How Marriage Counseling Can Spice Up Campus Relationships

It is high time we really understood the roots of love, this is something that builds over some time, but not abruptly like how many campus teenagers run after each other immediately they step at campus.

How Marriage Counseling Can Spice Up Campus Relationships

By Nicholas Muteesasira. There are often various common traits associated with campus life, such as drug abuse, infidelity, striking name it. Dating at campus is sometimes misunderstood or carries less meaning to many, especially as campus teenagers spot their Mr.  Handsome and Miss beautiful, something within that has been resting for a while but allover […]

How I Found True Love at Campus

Clubbing and dating were the topics on almost every student's lips, and being in year one, I was anxious to know what happens in class and how dating feels like. These kinds of stories that I would over hear students jazzing among themselves almost made me wake up for winter and go to campus for more. They made me wish to date someone, I mean all my friends had gotten boyfriends in less than one month’s time.

How I Found True Love at Campus

By Namata Proxie “Namata, as you are leaving for campus, remember that there are so many temptations out there, “my mum told me as I was leaving home to join Kampala International University, my dream University. I could not wait to get there. Gust of wind, a buckle of noise in the air, a long […]

DATING: My buddy and our love story

DATING: My buddy and our love story

But every time he did this I felt so much pissed off. One day I decide to stand-up to this forsake creature! Not knowing I was asking for a hot slap. He gave me a hot one which made me lose my balance up to the ground. I think I fainted! Did I? No, but […]