Inspirational Graduation Speeches: If you worship money and things, then you will never have enough

Inspirational Graduation Speeches: If you worship money and things, then you will never have enough

The fourth speech we have chosen to review is David Foster Wallace’s commencement address at Kenyon College. The address is premised on life and work. In this address, Wallance challenges the graduates to resist any form of mental conditioning that a selfish and negative attitude in life may force them to ascribe to. He says […]

Inspirational Graduation speeches: Though you're the village pride, never think you’re anything special

Inspirational Graduation speeches: Though you're the village pride, never think you’re anything special

At Number 5 of our best inspirational Graduation speeches, we have David McCullough’s. McCullough is a High School Teacher and gives his address at the Wellesley High School Class of 2012. Essentially, in this speech McCullough challenges graduates not to think of themselves as being any more special than all the other graduates. He opines […]

Inspirational Graduation Speeches: The measure of success is what you think about what you've done

Our third pick on the 5 Most Inspirational Graduation Speeches ever given is Prof. Mark. S. Lewis’s commencement speech at the University of Texas in 2000. In this speech the Clinical Psychology Professor tells new graduates that there are times when you are going to do well, and times when you’re going to fail. But neither […]