Love Languages and Quality Time: How to keep the 'Love Tank' full

Love Languages and Quality Time: How to keep the 'Love Tank' full

Quality time is giving someone your undivided attention. I don’t mean sitting on the couch watching television. I mean sitting on the couch with the TV off, looking at each other and talking, and giving each other your undivided attention. For some people, quality time is their primary love language, and if you don’t give […]

DATING: How I became a topic of discussion after my pregnancy

DATING: How I became a topic of discussion after my pregnancy

The single mum’s lens: Part 2- Humanity is not loyal If you have not walked in my shoes, dealt with half the issues I have handled, and kept awake crying over the things you wish you could change; you have no right whatsoever to criticize me. Often times I wondered how I became a topic of […]

LOVE & DATING: Jacobs was the man any normal girl would want to have

LOVE & DATING: Jacobs was the man any normal girl would want to have

The single mum’s lens: Part 1- chronicles of my sweet Jacobs When I start to describe our physical connection, a whole month of twenty four- hour narration is but the beginning of the introduction to the tale. Until recently, I wailed in lonesomeness each time I educed those times. Well, I may say I’m over him, […]

Love & Dating: How to propose to a loved one and expect a 'yes'

Love & Dating: How to propose to a loved one and expect a 'yes'

Every girl has a dream, and there seems to be no better dream in a girls’ mind than her seeing a serous man proposing to her. Though the timing and how to propose matters for a long lasting success to be attained, the man ought to play the ‘love cards’ right. Proposing requires some romantic creativity on the side of a […]

The 7 greatest habits of highly effective lovers

The 7 greatest habits of highly effective lovers

Lately I have been thinking through the work of the famous writer Steven Covey in his book the 7 Habits of Highly effective people and I thought his ideas may help instruct us through the basics of love. Actually this was supposed to be counselling material for those guys who are just about to graduate […]

DATING: My buddy and our love story

DATING: My buddy and our love story

But every time he did this I felt so much pissed off. One day I decide to stand-up to this forsake creature! Not knowing I was asking for a hot slap. He gave me a hot one which made me lose my balance up to the ground. I think I fainted! Did I? No, but […]