Why university girls don't want to date fellow campusers

Why university girls don't want to date fellow campusers
Though university boys may fellow comfortable dating their own campus girls, girls think otherwise. (PHOTO:KATUMBA BADRU)
Though university boys may feel comfortable dating their own campus girls, girls think otherwise. (PHOTO:KATUMBA BADRU)

Campus dudes are not our class – Varsity babes: Ever wondered why most campus relationships are of cross generation gaps? Well, Campus Times today brings you different reasons as to why a university girl would not date a campuser:

Money: To many, this is the biggest barrier faced when looking for a better half. According to one alias Jane, she would not date him because he is poor.

She says they are not her class. A one Patience nails it to the head and says,  “I love the money, not the person”.

“Money is ability, give me upkeep, pay my hostel bills, take me out for shopping together with my friends. Once one is able to do these, you will have Patience as yours forever”, she says it all.

Age: “I think we are all young and can’t make right decisions”, says Diana. Diana believes most dudes at campus are young.

But how about those old ones,  would you date them? No,  because sharing the same environment means similar thoughts and wrong decision making.

“I want real men, not boys, ” says Sarah

Heart breaks: “I have not dated one before because I fear heartbreaks”,says innocent Sandra. Campus boys are assumed to run after every skirt,  they don’t commit to relationships and thus break off relationships  after getting ‘what they want’.

Boring: Campus love is boring.  Miriam ended her relationship because it evolved around the same stories and actions. Meals are about fries and spaghetti while stories are about hostels and courseworks. “Damn! that is boring,” she says.

Related: An open love letter to that girl who promised “to tell me something”

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