2016 Terra Foundation Research Travel Grants for International Scholars, USA

2016 Terra Foundation Research Travel Grants for International Scholars, USA

University Graduates SCHOLARSHIPS: The Terra Foundation invites applications for research travel grants from doctoral students and postdoctoral and senior scholars outside the United States. These grants enable scholars to consult resources that are only available within the United States.

Nine to thirteen grants are awarded annually. Travel should be undertaken within one calendar year after the announcement of the selection results.

The application deadline is January 15, 2016.

Study Subject(s): Grants provide support for research on topics concerning American art and visual culture.
Course Level:
Grants are available to doctoral students and postdoctoral and senior scholars for short-term research travel. 
Scholarship Provider:
Terra Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: USA

Eligibility: The foundation only accepts proposals from doctoral students and postdoctoral and senior scholars outside the United States. Grant requirements:
-Travel should be undertaken within one calendar year after the announcement of the selection results.
-Final report must be submitted within three months of completion of travel. It should include a description of the travel undertaken as a result of the grant, an assessment of the research accomplished, and a financial report detailing grant expenditures.
-Recipients must acknowledge the support of TFAA in any publication that results from research conducted during the grant.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Grants are open for international scholars (except USA).

Scholarship Description: Terra Foundation Research Travel Grants provide support for research on topics concerning American art and visual culture prior to 1980. These grants enable scholars outside the United States to consult resources that are only available within the United States.

Number of award(s): Nine to thirteen grants are awarded annually (up to 5 grants are specifically dedicated to scholars from Asia, Africa, and South America).

Duration of award(s): Grant funds will be disbursed in two installments. The first installment (80% of the total grant) is paid before the recipient’s departure to the United States. The second installment (up to 20% of the total grant) is paid to the recipient after receipt of the final report.

What does it cover? Nine to thirteen grants are awarded annually as follows:
-Up to $6,000 per grant for doctoral students from Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand;
-Up to $7,000 per grant for doctoral students from Asia, Africa, and South America; and
-Up to $9,000 per grant for all postdoctoral and senior scholars.
Funds can be used for related transportation, lodging, meals, and research fees and expenses. They cannot be used for the purchase of computers or other equipment.

 Selection Criteria: Not Known

Notification: Awards will be announced in May 2016.

How to Apply: Completed application forms and all required attachments must be written in English and must be written in English and submitted by email. Please include one copy of each of the following:
-Curriculum vitae Curriculum vitae
-Description of the research project that demonstrate Description of the research project is the need for travel to the United States (5 pages maximum)
-Detailed description of the proposed itinerary with Detailed description of the proposed itinerary destinations and travel dates
-Itemized travel budget in U.S. dollars
-Two letters of recommendation (for doctoral student Two letters of recommendation s, one letter should be written by the applicant’s dissertation advisor). Letters must be sent by email directly by their authors to the Terra Foundation for American Art Europe (Letters must be signed and scanned.)

Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is January 15, 2016.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

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