Arsenal fans meet and greet for unity, socialization

By Rita Kobusinge Akiiki

A section of arsenal fans in Fort portal under their umbrella ARSENAL DIEHARDS FORTPORTAL CHAPTER on Sunday the 7th of May 2023 held a meet and greet event at pavillion bar in fort portal tourism city western Uganda.

The meeting was meant to share ideas on how they can be united as the fans to do developmental projects and also create impact in the society.

A cake was shared earlier before the match in anticipation of the win against Newcastle.

the cake
video of the cake slicing

Speaking the event, the interim chapter president Mr Katungi Fortunate aka Fortue Higher Level who came up with the idea, thanked the fans for welcoming the idea and coming together for a cause beyond supporting the team in football.

the chapter president Katungi Fortunate giving a speech

The interim leadership was introduced to the members which included Mugisa Herbert the former LC3 of south division in fortportal  as the deputy president,  Barungi Charles Myco as the general secretary deputized by Ahimbisibwe Phiona, masiko Gilbert Akky as the finance secretary, Nyakahuma Samuel Kelvin Eto’o as the publicity secretary assisted by Mwebesa Andrew, while the welfare officer is Kebirungi Jacinta.

The other interim leaders include Karamagi Tadius and Azoora Cephas, Amanyire Tadeo Tam, Seruma Dona, Racheal Kirungi and Sylvia Ngonzi Lisa as mobilisers, Alex Ruhunda the central division member of Parliament, Kalinda Fred, Kteeba Francis, Bwambale Ronnie, Kanyoro Innocent, Agnes Kusemererwa and Hope Cissy were introduced as the interim patrons and Rev Kintu Willy Muhanga, Fr Jude Kasaija Amooti, Pastor Isaac and Mugisa Hamid are the chaplains.

A number of ideas were reached at including starting up some income generating activities for the group and also doing some corporate social responsibilities.

During the event, one person converted from Manchester United and joined Arsenal.

converted supporter

The fans expressed gratitude for the coming together as fans and in the meeting they agreed to hold an Arsenal Diehards mega party on the 10th of June, 2023, from where they will elect the leadership of the group and also discuss more on developmental ideas.

photo moment in video

And being an arsenal fan, the king of Tooro His majesty Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi the IV is expected to grace the mega party on 10th June 2023.

HRH King Oyo donned in his Arsenal Jersey

The game ended in a 2-Nil win in favor of Arsenal putting it in the second position with 81points.

Image of the results
Premiere League table (partial)
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2 Responses to "Arsenal fans meet and greet for unity, socialization"

  1. Rutalemwa Gerald   May 10, 2023 at 1:47 pm

    Thanks Rhita for the update, I like the initiative. Looking forward to seeing the future prospects. Much Love!

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