Apply for 27 Scholarships funded by Garden Club of America

Apply for 27 Scholarships funded by Garden Club of America
A teaching session in progress
A teaching session in progress

The Garden Club of America (GCA) has announced an offer of 27 merit-based scholarships in a number of courses.

The courses available for scholarships include the following:

  • Botany
  • Coastal Wetlands Studies
  • Conservation & Ecological Restoration
  • Desert Studies
  • Garden History & Design
  • Horticulture & Related Fields

Garden Club of America will also fund students to study the following courses

  • International Work & Study
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Native Bird Habitat
  • Pollinator Research
  • Summer Environmental Study
  • Urban Forestry

In March of this year, 86 students and scholars were awarded over $300,000 to support a variety of academic endeavors ranging from summer environmental study and field work, to graduate level research.

Get more details on how to apply for the 27 merit-based scholarships.

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