Apply for Grant Proposals -Transformative Innovations Technologies Approaches

Grants you can apply for: Conflict and Development at Texas A&M University (ConDev) is a development laboratory of the  United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded through its Higher Education Solutions Network (HESN).

ConDev seeks to improve the effectiveness of development solutions for fragile and conflict-affected countries through transformative innovations, technologies, and approaches (ITAs).

Transformative ITAs are novel research based ideas, or variations on existing ideas, that can cause a shift in thinking, inspire change, and influence outcomes cost-effectively with the ultimate goal of scaling up across multiple countries and/or disciplines.

ConDev is offering up to $25,000 grants for ITAs focused on development solutions for fragile and conflict-affected countries.

Deadline for proposal concept notes is April 15, 2014.

Please see Downloads for details on ITAs

Click here to apply

Downloads and Essential Attachments:
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