Bayimba academy to offer training in creative entrepreneurship

Bayimba Regional Festival of the Arts
Bayimba Regional Festival of the Arts

Are you a talented artist interested in making a living out of art and wondering how to make this happen in your art profession. Then,worry no more, Bayimba Cultural Foundation through their academy will be offering a Training in Creative Entrepreneurship.

The first trainings will be conducted in Kampala and Jinja in the course of 2013 and expand the services to other parts of the country later.

Bayimba has been offering a wide variety of trainings for artists to enhance and professionalize their artistic skills. But artistic talent is just not enough. To succeed one needs to be an entrepreneur as well. Bayimba recognizes that there is a need to make a deliberate effort to also convey essential entrepreneurial skills to artists and artistic talents in Uganda, so as to assist them in pursuing and sustaining their careers successfully.

Since there is need to leave a lasting mark on the creative sector, Bayimba Cultural Foundation therefore resolved to develop a structured training program that will convey important entrepreneurial skills to talented artists that have started or are about to start a business in the creative sector.

This training program will offer essential business skills in planning, marketing,management and finance with emphasis on creative entrepreneurship.

The trainings will be led by Bayimba Academy – the education pillar of Bayimba  under the principal leadership of Director Faisal Kiwewa with guest appearances of experienced business development experts and successful creative entrepreneurs.

The course fees for this training is 50,000 UGX per person.

Interested people should fill in  a form and submit it to not later than 30th march 2013.

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