Call for Scholarships: Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme

Call for Scholarships: Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme
University Graduates

The EU under its Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme, has provided funding to support training of graduate students in African universities. In this mobility programme six African partner institutions and one EU Technical partner will collaborate in the training of professionals to strengthen fragile ecosystems (FE) management in Africa, which will lead into reduced environmental degradation and sustained food production by small-scale farmers.

A total of 23 Masters and 11 Doctorates will be trained in the thematic areas of Agroforestry, Ecology and Adaptation; Taxonomy, Biodiversity, Ethnobotany and Natural Resources Conservation and Valorization; Agro-Ecology and Food Systems; Forest, Ecosystem, Environment and Natural Resource Management.

The project will provide fellowships for full degree programs (PhDs and MSc) as well as short term mobility for students and staff and will run from 1st November 2017 until 31st October 2022.

The project is expected to contribute to a) establishing regional learning platform for improved fragile ecosystem management (FEM); b) internationalizing and harmonizing of training in FEM, c) enhancing skills of University administrative staff to manage mobility, d) improving training skills of academic staff of targeted Universities and e) training of high caliber professionals in FE management.

The Call for applications is open from 22th February 2018 and will close on 7th April 2018. All interested candidates must apply online for both university admission and scholarship. Application for admission should be sent to the hosting university and a copy to the project coordinating office at Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar. The application for scholarship should be sent to the project coordinating office with copy to the coordinator at the sending institution. Admission criteria and application forms are available on the program website ( and partner websites.

The scholarships are open to candidates from Target group 1 (Senegal, Uganda, Benin, Malawi, Mozambique) and Target group 2 (DR Congo, Tunisia, Mali, Madagascar, Lesotho and Sudan). Please note that candidates will only be allowed to apply to institution outside of their home countries.

Female and candidates with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply.

Specific Programmes on Offer:

Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar

  • MSc. in Agroforestry, Ecology and Adaptation (2 positions)
  • MSc. in Taxonomy, Biodiversity, Ethnobotany and Natural Resource Conservation (TABEC) (2 positions)
  • PhD in Knowledge, Conservation and Valorization of Biodiversity (2 positions)

University of Abomey Calavi

  • MSc. in Management of Protected areas, natural grassland and wildlife (2 positions)

Uganda Martyrs University

  • PhD in Agroecology and Livelihood Systems (2 positions)
  • MSc. in Agro-ecology (2 positions)

Eduardo Mondlane University

  • MSc in Management and Conservation of Biodiversity (2 positions)
  • PhD in Forestry Resources (2 positions)

Mzuzu University 

  • MSc. in Geoinformatics (1 position)
  • MSc. in Forest and Environmental Management (3 positions)

Makerere University

  • MSc in Integrated Watershed Management (2 positions)
  • MSc. in Environment Management (2 positions)

Further information can be obtatined from the attached documents. For more information on the Intra-Africa Mobility Program, please contact the Coordinator of the Project Professor Kandioura NOBA: Email:; Website: (

You can download the Application Form

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