CAREER GUIDANCE: How to prepare for life after campus

CAREER GUIDANCE: How to prepare for life after campus
Good preparation after campus can lead to a smile.
Good preparation after campus can lead to a smile.

When the semester has ended, no internship, no recess, research, dissertations, name them, you are now preparing for life after campus.

You don’t have a job or you are looking for any kind of job so that you dodge going home, then you are a ‘sida mukyalo’ student.

Of course with exception of the rich scholars; who have jobs back home or are already employed. Others are simply not interested in getting employed.

Sida mukyalo is a campus ‘Luganda born’ slang referring to students who don’t go back home once the semester is done; especially upcountry but want to keep around town doing petty jobs or nothing. They don’t hate being home but believe that this prepares them for life after campus.

We all believe that life after campus is complicated. While still at school, parents see you as an asset which ceases upon graduation as going back renders you as a liability.

No parent by now wants to buy you a shirt or a piece of soap; by virtue of the purpose of being at school, you should be earning now.

So being a sida mukyalo at campus prepares you for the hustle in the ‘new world. You learn how to sleep on an empty stomach, having a glass of cold water as breakfast and kikomando or drogba as lunch.

You learn the need and importance of friends; you get the picture of how poor people survive and above all, your relationship with God grows as you get to learn the importance of prayer.

Since you don’t have intern or recess, parents will no longer give you upkeep. They expect you to be home. An excuse for you working implies earning.

How to Be a Real Sida Mukyalo Student

  1. You must save for holiday rent during the semester. This means you will squeeze your budget, no more outings and parties.
  2. Have a God loving friend (saved).He will introduce you to missions where there is free food, fellowships that help you pass time.
  3. Be flexible for any plot as you will always need plot to keep you busy. Do not turn down opportunities because of income conditions. Have the will to do any kind of job from mobile money attendant, drinks mini-depot distributor to street vending for you need to earn.
  4. And forget about calling home for upkeep, try living the future.

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