How to decorate your dining table this Christmas

How to decorate your dining table this Christmas

Christmas comes with a lot of excitement, it elevates our mood and this changes our lifestyle. Among the many things we are supposed to change is the way our dining table looks like. This will arouse your appetite and enhance the Christmas mood in your home. Here is how to decorate a dining table for Christmas.

Add chair covers

Mary Namukose an Interior designer notes that chair covers will add a new look to your change and give them a sparkle. They are in a variety of colours, and shapes and your choice matter. They should have colours that don’t easily get stained since it’s an eating area.

Add chair covers

Vanish the seats

Alternatively, you can vanish the chairs to give them a new look, you can use the colour of your choice but to make sure to can stand stains.

Add flower

Flowers have the power to change the look of any place if chosen wisely. Adding a banquet of flowers to the table will add beauty. Margaret Biira an interior designer notes that adding in door flowers in corners will add a feel of nature in the room. She says these should be planted in the direction of the sun to grow well. Constant watering is also paramount.

Flowers add beauty to the dining table

Paint the room

Biira adds that the way the room looks adds to beauty on the dining table. The dining room should be given colours that arouse someone’s appetite for example Blue, Purple or white. The curtains used in the dining room also matter as they contribute to the beauty.

She adds that everything used should in a way or another complement each other as well as the other features in the house.

Place a Christmas tree

Namukose adds that a Christmas tree is a symbol of Christmas and will bring out the mood perfectly well. This can be matched with sweets and coloured lights to bring out the desired beauty.

Christmas trees not only add beauty but also improve on the Christmas moods


Decoration without cleanliness is a waste of time. make sure the flower is clean, the table is free from food drops and stains at all times as well as the table clothes.

“Some people concentrate at decorating and neglect the cleaning part which leaves their places rowdy,” she adds.

Declutter the place

Remove unnecessary materials from the dining room, this will leave it spacious and looking great.

Add a fragrance

Yes, its Christmas and a fragrance is necessary to emphasize the importance of this season. You can use plants to have this feel in the house or alternatively buy some house refreshers to have your room defined.

“It would be pretty amazing to enter your dining room for lunch or super and there is a great fragrance a companying your food,” Namukose adds.

Allow light in the room

This could be natural light or lumps, these will help add a great feel in the house especially in the morning and evening hours. You can also use mirrors to bring in beauty, class and elegancy in the house.

Here are ideas on how to decorate a Christmas tree

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