Congratulations to Uganda Christian University Guild Government 2014/2015

Congratulations to Uganda Christian University Guild Government 2014/2015
Congratulations to Uganda Christian University Guild Government 2014/2015
Congratulations to Uganda Christian University Guild Government 2014/2015.

The general assembly that transpired on the 21st /November/2014 registered a great success in the interest of the security day and the Students general assembly.

The event combined the guild handover ceremony, the crime prevention security week round up, The Orombi Guild award ceremony, the Students general assembly, and hoisting the flags from different countries was the first of its kind.

Efforts made by UCU CrimePreventers that include Namara Keith Kyaruzi N-ivy Nabwokye Ivan Nsiimire Brian Manuku Lule Owino Innocent ,Kyomugasho Merabu Papa Ronald, Ibrahim Batambuze amongst others and the Guild Speakers office led by Muhumuza Duncan, Tumukunde Davis Combined with the Prime ministers office Nantongo Maureen saw the event flow smoothly with Ashaba Emmanuel and Lastone Gulume Balyainho as the Mc,s of the day with their never ending jokes .

The event was coupled up with refreshments and entertainment from the Canaan Gents, with there amazing natural voices .The outgoing guild finance minister Lutaaya Benon and Chesang Brenda read the financial reports for the year 2013/2014 ,where they got massive criticism form the students body on how they spend more on guild officials rather than spending on the students them selves Mutegeki Vicent a student from BEM 3 also inquired from the out going vice President Mateeka Innocent,How come less business associations got money yet they subscribed early enough yet clubs as represented in the Law Faculty received money .

Uganda Christian University Guild Leader being sworn in
Uganda Christian University Guild Leader being sworn in

Students also demanded to know whether the subscription money of the associations that did not receive guild money can be refunded back.In addition students demanded to know Why the guild expenditure is spent mostly on guild official items like shirts ,calenders and allowances ,rather than being spent on guild fund or some other important activity. All these questions went unanswered and this left the students wondering whether the Murungi Government performed to there expectations.

The event was hyped up with the arrival of the chief guest of honor the inspector general of Police General Kale Kayihura ,and some respected senior officers in the Uganda Police such as the Regional police commander of police Dpc Bakaryeke escorted with a number of police officials and the Crime preventer Ucu chapter. The Dvc Finance madam Ann Katabazi gave in her speech appreciating the Uganda police force on behalf of the Vice Chancellor who was absent at that point in time she encouraged students to participate actively in national matters and concluded by praising the Murungi Government for its patience.

The Dean of Students Mr Tweheyo Milton also praised the out going government for its use of extensive negotiation skills rather than force ,He advised the outgoing leaders to exhibit the code of conduct of the university even outside the university.The function twisted to a more security matter when Namara Keith Kyaruzi introduced the crime preventer’s chief driving team and noted down a number of security issues that were affecting the Ucu community . He also asked the Inspector General of Police to deliver a patrol vehicle and also requested for the street lights alongside Wandegeya -Bugujju highway .

The IGP stood up to give his speech lastly after being introduced by the Dean of students ,He gave a summary brief of his lifestyle as students leader at Makerere University. He started by observing protocol ,and proceeded with thanking UCU community for not staging strikes and keeping law and order ,He also pledged to give the necessary equipments and aid to the crime preventer’s , He encouraged students with all academic qualifications to join the police for employment because it had all functioning departments including the textile ,construction , engineering and other departments.

He pledged to work hand in hand with the administration to see how they can provide street lights ,He encouraged students to participate in leadership of this country and encouraged out going guild to give full support to the masses and not feed propaganda in to the masses .He hinted on the need of expanding the crime preventer’s team ,and promised to recruit more if they want so as to expose them to the corporate world.He finally thanked the Ucu Administration for maintaining peace in the University.

The event was coupled up with an award to the inspector general from both the crime preventer’s and the administration, He cut the cake that was shared amongst students.As soon as he got done with his speech the IGP was flagged off.

The Baitwa government bounced back to life in the event ,when theYouth Western MP to be Honorable Ndagara called on ex president H.E Phillip M Baitwa and his entire team to hoist the flags represented from different countries by different students from those countries .countries include Tanzania , Rwanda , Kenya , Ethiopia , South Sudan Amongst others ,The event was gracefully summarized by the exchange of office files also the handover ceremony and certificate awarding to the guild officials and finally the Orombi Guild awards.

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