Dates Fruit And The Islamic Faith

Dates Fruit And The Islamic Faith

The date palm, called “nakhl” in Arabic, and the fruit, called “tamr,” are mentioned more than any other fruit-bearing plant in the Qur’an, and are symbols closely associated with Islam and Muslims. In Uganda these are locally known as ‘Entendde’.

Along with banana, pomegranate, grape and fig (a pretty delicious assortment), dates are considered the “fruit of heaven.” The prophet Mohammad is said to have urged Muslims to eat dates, and across the Arab world, dates are served to break the fast each evening during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

What Does The Quran Say About Dates

While the proverb “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is known in much of the world, the Muslim equivalent is “seven dates a day keeps the doctor away.” The Prophet argued that seven dates in the morning protected one from poison and witchcraft. This gives the date a sort of mystical property, almost supernatural.

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “Indeed in dates there is a cure” [Muslim], and we can see today – as the Prophet (ﷺ) taught us – that consuming dates helps support an overall healthy body and mind. Dates contain: A strong source of protein. Fibre, which helps lower the risk of heart disease and prevents constipation.

Following the tradition of consuming dates upon breaking the fast, allows one to feel closer to their spirituality, the Prophet and Allah, or God, which is a sacred experience for Muslims. You can enjoy dates fresh, dried or stuffed; in any variety, from Medjool to Deglet Noor, or Bahri to Dayri.

When To Eat Dates In Islam?

Dates fruit are closely associated to fasting and the month of Ramadhan. They are considered Sunnah food by Muslims and consuming dates are considered the “way” of many practicing Muslims around the world.

Health Benefits of Eating Dates During Pregnancy In Islam.

These may include:

1. A good energy booster

Pregnant females require extra energy as even their routine tasks become challenging for them. A few dates every day is highly beneficial during pregnancy as it gives essential nutrients to the body and impacts positively.

2. Avoids the pregnancy constipation

A lot of females go through constipation problems during their pregnancy which, of course, is unhealthy. Dates contain a high amount of fiber which helps maintain a healthy digestive system in the body.

3. Assists in the development of the necessary amino acids

They also possess a good amount of protein which is well-known for producing amino acids. 

4. Reduction in the chances of birth problems

WHO suggests gaining folate-rich foods and folate supplements for all pregnant ladies as congenital problems occur due to lack of folate, dates maintain high folate.

5. An abundance of Vitamin K

This vitamin is necessary for the babies concerning clots’ healing and bone development. Yet, many newborns maintain a low level of vitamin K. Mothers must have dates daily to serve vitamin K to her baby.

6. Overcoming Iron needs

Dates are also beneficial to fight off the iron deficiencies that appear during pregnancies. Sometimes, the deficiency may lead to anemia. It is also necessary to regulate the hemoglobin level in their body, which strengthens the immunity of both of them

7. Rich in Potassium

Potassium maintains the balance of salt and water. It is found in the dates, abundantly. Its deficiency is highly risky for both; the child and the mother as it may lead to stroke, heart disease, and high blood pressure

8. Fills up magnesium needs

Dates also serve this necessary nutrient for pregnant women. Its deficiency is highly risky and may lead to preeclampsia, premature birth, chronic hypertension, and other health issues. The Prophet (S) has also mentioned: “For pregnant women, especially when giving birth, the best food is dates, because Allāh (SwT) has sworn by its greatness and glory. And if women use ratb (a type of fresh dates) in these days, their newborn children, whether son or daughter, will be forbearing and patient.

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