Dr Israel Appointed as the Seventh Vice Chancellor Bugema University

Dr Israel Appointed as the Seventh Vice Chancellor Bugema University

Dr Israel Masiko Kafeero has been positioned as the seventh Vice-Chancellor of Bugema University and was installed on event that happened on Saturday, 25th February 2023.

In a ceremony presided over by the Archbishop of the Seventh Day Adventist Church Pr. Dr Moses Maka Ndimukika, Dr Kafeero was installed at the Bugema University campus in a colorful ceremony.

The ceremony was attended by notables from the Seventh Day Adventist Church leadership, Ministry of Education officials and political leaders like Baamunanika legislator Robert Ssekitooleko and Nakasongola’s Noah Wanzala.

From left Dr. Kafeero and Dr. Maka on the right.

While installing the new Vice chancellor, Dr. Maka urged Dr Kafeero to accept God’s guidance in this new role and also reach out for any guidance and help.

Dr. Kafeero pledged to lead Bugema University into a direction of training students to be self sufficient and not just look for jobs in the struggling economic environment.

He called upon colleagues to help him achieve this goal to continue to grow the glory of Bugema University.

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