Females beat Males in UACE exams

Females beat Males in UACE exams

The executive director of Uganda National Examination Board, Daniel Odongo has noted that Females have beat male in the 2022 Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) exams.

He also noted that out of the 96,557 candidates who sat for the examinations,40,219 were females and 56,023 were males.

Though females were fewer than male, they have performed better. This has broken a cycle of the PLE and UCE result where males performed much better that females.

However, the UACE chairperson prof Mary Okwakol expressed concern on the low number of girls taking science subjects as only 6.1% did mathematics and 15.9% did biology.

“This gender gap will lead to low numbers of women pursuing Science, technology, engineering and mathematics related careers,” She noted.

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