H.E Kufour's public lecture as Makerere university marks 90 years

Makerere university Chancellor,Prof. Mondo Kagonyera decorates H.E John Agyekum Kufuor as Makerere marks 90 years.
Makerere university Chancellor,Prof. Mondo Kagonyera decorates H.E John Agyekum Kufuor as Makerere marks 90 years.

H.E Kufour advises on Uganda’s Oil Resource

The former President of Ghana, H.E John Agyekum Kufuor, has advocated for good governance, as a key strategy in managing Uganda’s oil resource.

He was delivering a public lecture at an overflowing Makerere University Main Hall on 2nd Aug. 2013.

The lecture was titled, ‘Oil resource Management and its Utilization for the Economic Transformation – The case study of Ghana.’

“There are many nations without resource wealth but who have attained dramatic heights of transformation. Countries like Singapore, South Korea, and some of the so called ‘little tigers’ of Southeast Asia are typical examples. It was not so much by the abundance of their natural resources as by the quality of their leadership and their commitment to the progress and welfare of their peoples,” he said.

“Economic transformation with or without oil, arguably depends on leadership, good governance and development,” he added.

H.E Kufuor pointed out that to manage her oil resource, Ghana put in place ample legislation including the Petroleum Revenue Management Act 2011 and the Petroleum Commission Act 2011. These laws had strong provisions on governance, oversight, transparency and accountability – plus rigorous provisions for reporting on oil fund assets, expenditures and investments.

In his welcome remarks, the Vice Chancellor of Makerere University, Prof. John Ddumba Ssentamu, thanked H.E Kufuor for accepting to deliver the lecture at Makerere University.

“On behalf of Makerere University, I thank you for accepting to deliver a public lecture and be part of celebrations of 90 years of this institution. Most Ugandans belief that the discovery of oil will transform Uganda from a peasant to an upper income society. We should however note that development is not possible if it does not take place in the minds of people too,” he said.

The Chancellor, Prof. Mondo Kagonyera presented H.E Kufuor with a medallion in appreciation of his public lecture at this Institution. President Kufuor congratulated Makerere University for clocking ninety and hailed her for the excellent human resource output, that has benefited the region.

The Prime Minister of Uganda, Hon. Amama Mbabazi said that Uganda has put in place good policies to manage the oil resource, with input from countries like Ghana and Norway. He emphasized that oil will be a blessing to Uganda and a benefit to all.

The highly interactive lecture was discussed by Dr. Ezra Suruma, a Senior Presidential Adviser on Finance and Economic Planning; Dr. Julius Kizza, Associate Prof. Department of Political Science Makerere University; Godber Tumushabe, Executive Director ACODE and Mr. Ernest Rubondo, a Commissioner in the Petroleum Exploration and Production Department, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development.

The discussants described the lecture as timely to Uganda, especially on the issue of accountability to the eagerly awaiting citizens. They agreed that good governance, coupled with proper legislation were indeed key drivers of excellent resource management.

The Public lecture, moderated by Patrick Kamara – a Journalist, was organized by Makerere University Convocation. It attracted a number of high profile people including Makerere University Staff, Government officials, Development partners, Diplomats, Politicians, Makerere University Students and alumni.

The lecture is part of the year long celebrations of Makerere University, which will close on the 3rd Aug. 2013, in a Grand finale.

Click here to download the Public Lecture.

By Marion Alina
Public Relations Office Makerere university

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