Hippo swallows and vomits 2 year old in Kasese

Hippo swallows and vomits 2 year old in Kasese

The incident happened in Katwe-kabatooro Town Council Kasese District around lake Katwe. Paul Yiga was unattended to when a hippo swallowed him.

“The two year old boy was swallowed by hippopotamus when the parents had left him unattended to. The hippo found the two year old playing and it swallowed him,” Enanga said.

People around noticed and made noise which made the hippo vomit the boy alive as it made its way back to the lake.

Yiga’s mother later rushed him to Bwera hospital thinking he was already dead but he was found alive and healthy.

Enanga adivised people around the lake to be careful.

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