How Kakonge Road Renovation is Affecting I.U.I.U Activities.

The renovation of Kakonge-road has caused traffic jam around the area of Kibuli for a number of days since last week leaving businesses around the areas frustrated and Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU) in distress.

the route that links Badru Kakungulu road to Industrial road

These roads include; the Mukwano, Kibuli –Kampala and Kibuli- Industrial area road among others.

This road has been horrible for quite sometime and the first phase of its renovation started in March 2022 to December 2022. And the second phase started in April 2023 till date and is expected to end around June 2023.

Comment from the Head of Social Sciences faculty IUIU KC

The head of Mass Communication at IUIU, Sharifah Nassanga applauded KCCA for the initiative taken to renovate the road, adding this will help in the progress of school activities despite all the disruptions.

“Our school activities have been disrupted because so many lecturers had to waste a lot of their time to get an alternative route to reach school hence the delay of activities at the institution. The too much dust also being a problem and the cause of flue among both students and staff. Nevertheless, we are glad for this development and let’s hope for the best, ” she noted.

360 of the IUIU-Kakonge road before and after it rains.

Nayiga Shakirah, a student at IUIU who was greatly affected by the renovation of the road stated that a lot of time was wasted since the road became impassable more especially when it rains.

The state of Kakonge road after its rains is described in the video below;

“I almost fell off the boda boda when it rained during the renovation of the road and constructor ordered the boda boda man to stop where I was and walk the remaining distance to school, it was terrible walking that slippery road,” she complained.

Sulaiman Ssempijja a Mass Communication student at lUIU claims that the road is very risky at night.

“The road barely has any lights or security cameras which gives thugs the opportunity to attack people even in the early hours of the night. I personally I was attacked at night by a group of robbers who beat me up and stole everything I had,” he said.

“And that was just at 8:00pm in the night but if at all there were lights, these thieves would not have the courage to attack me,” he continued.

Comments from a IUIU students about the road renovation.

The audio contains another interview with the IUIU student facing the problem of using the road at night.

What could be the possible solutions for the above problems?

Speaking during a brief interview, the head of operations of ENMARG GROUPS under the instruction of Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Brain Mulindwa said the traffic jam and disruption of businesses were inevitable but the end result will be fruitful at the end of activity.

Below is a video of men at work on Kakonge road

“First and foremost, I apologize for the delay but if we need something good we should give it enough time. As you all know Rome was not built in a day,”he stated.

“While constructing roads, one cannot avoid traffic jam. I understand we are inconveniencing most of the people in this area especially the students and teachers of Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU) but they will all benefit at the end of this project,” he explained.

“The issue of lights and cameras and alongside the road will also be installed to reduce on the risks of crimes like robbery and theft during night hours. We just plead with the residents and students to be patient with us till June,” he concluded.

This initiative was taken up by KCCA.

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