Jobs – Program Coordinator at Bicycles Against Poverty

Job Title: Program Coordinator

Bicycles Against Poverty is looking for self-starters who are driven, tenacious, and passionate to apply. Given the early stage of the organization this position will touch upon a variety of different areas of operations, including programming in Uganda, team building / management, and administrative logistics. This is a position that fluctuates between strategic thinking, office work, and operations in the field. The position will give hands-on experience with a growing organization. It requires work at all levels—from big-scale strategizing and team management, to administering logistics to run the operations. The chosen individual will need to autonomously manage and lead. They will work with BAP’s Operations Manager and BAP’s Executive Director on other organizational operations.

Key Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Working in liaison with BAP’s Operations Manager to director and coordinate field operations, including delegating tasks and providing proper follow-up when needed to Field Officers
  • Communicating and directing relations with partner organizations that BAP works with
  • Coordinating and leading meetings with partner organizations
  • Following-up with partner field teams when necessary
  • Overseeing bicycle distributions, including logistics surrounding bicycle delivery (e.g. transportation, bicycle assembling, and client communication).
  • Strategizing for supply chain logistics to improve this process for the long-term.
  • Ensuring that loan operations remain in high standing.
  • Keeping track of repayments in database and ensuring all loans are up to date.
  • Flagging areas of concern and helping to address problems as they arise.
  • Communicating issues to management while simultaneously working with field teams to problem-solve on the ground.
  • Strategizing and implementing new business models and other program adjustments.
  • At our current state BAP is testing several new business models and we expect all team members to help strategize for new ideas to implement.
  • After strategizing, this position will be in charge of setting up operations to effectively implement and monitor test models.
  • Assisting to roll out and refine BAP’s new Monitoring and Evaluations program, including improving on current plans to make the survey program more efficient.
  • Drafting and editing grant proposals.
  • Administering logistics for communications and development materials.
  • Including managing monthly newsletters, website and blog updates, and writing marketing material.

Qualifications, Skills and Experience:

  • The applicant must be a self-starter with grit and perseverance
  • Possess the ability to manage effectively and delegate in a clear and direct manner
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Easily adaptable and able to work between two cultures
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Demonstrated passion and commitment to creating social change
  • Previous work in developing countries is strongly preferred
  • Willing to go the extra mile

How to Apply for the job:

If interested, please send a resume / CV and short letter of interest to Please additionally include answers to the following questions:

1) In 140 characters or fewer, please tell us what makes you move (i.e. what gets you up in the morning).

2) This position is not for the fainthearted. What makes you think you’re up to the challenge? (keep to 100 words)

3) Personality or brains? Explain your forte and why it makes you better candidate. (keep to 100 words)

4) What experiences / skills do you hope you’ll gain from this position? (keep to 50 words)

NB: Please save all files as one PDF and title it as follows Last name_First name_PC BAP_date (e.g. Doe_John_PC BAP_10.01.14)

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