This Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)/ Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Role includes an apprenticeship opportunity of 3 months in Europe followed by a direct 1-year deployment by ICCO in Uganda, at ICCO premises. The volunteer starts his/her deployment with a three-month apprenticeship at ICCOs Global Office (GO) in Utrecht, in The Netherlands. During this apprenticeship period, the volunteer will be part of the Disaster Management Unit (DMU), and offers programme support to the DMU, learning and growing as part of the team. The apprenticeship period will also serve as an introduction/pre-research phase for the subsequent deployment of 12 months to Uganda at the regional office of ICCO.

The Junior EU Aid Volunteer – Disaster Risk Management (Climate Smart Agriculture) will develop and provide training and coaching support to young Ugandan agripreneurs and support the Disaster Management Unit with programme management and programme development and desk research.

For more information about this position, please follow this link; https://icco.hrmagic.co/careers/job?id=Mzcy


Development and provision of training and coaching support to young Ugandan agripreneurs of the High Flyers programme in the fields of Climate-Smart Agriculture and Disaster Risk Management.

  • Support to the development of training and coaching materials for the High Flyers programme, and eventually other ICCO programmes. The volunteer is expected to provide content input for the materials in the field of climate-smart agriculture and disaster risk management (and disaster preparedness).
  • Participation in provision of training (agribusiness development training, agri-marketing training, Disaster Risk Reduction) to young agripreneurs of the High Flyers programme.
  • Provision of coaching sessions for young entrepreneurs of the programme, in most cases conducted in-country on location in the garden of some of the entrepreneurs.

Support the Disaster Management Unit with programme management and programme development and desk research on linking Climate Smart Agriculture and Disaster Risk Reduction Uganda.

  • Support the Disaster Management Unit with programme management and programme development.
  • Co-organize yearly learning days of the Dutch Relief Alliance.
  • Desk Research on Climate Resilient Agriculture and DRR in Uganda (and if possible, other countries in the region.


An apprenticeship period of 3-months is part of this deployment. During the apprenticeship, the volunteer is part of the Disaster Management Unit (DMU) of ICCO at its Global Office in Utrecht, The Netherlands. During the 3-months apprenticeship, the volunteer will support the DMU staff with programme management of different humanitarian projects, such as the Dutch Relief Alliance Joint Response programme in Nigeria and Sudan. Additionally, the volunteer will conduct a desk review on climate-resilient agriculture practices and Disaster Risk Reduction in Uganda and its surrounding countries.


  • A degree/completed study in a relevant subject matter with an orientation towards agricultural development (e.g. agribusiness, international land- and water management);
  • Familiarity with Disaster Preparedness, Response and Disaster Risk
  • Reduction (DP-DRR) concepts and practices;
  • Self-motivated, pro-active and result-driven;
  • Being an open and reliable person with high integrity;
  • Ability to work independently but at the same time being a team player;
  • Ability to connect with people of different backgrounds;
  • Ability to transfer skills and advise in an appropriate manner;
  • Ability and willing to reside and work regularly in rural settings;
  • Good communication and reporting skills;
  • Affinity with the Christian character of ICCO and ICCO’s values and operating principles;
  • Entrepreneurial abilities; experience in agri-enterprise development and / or running an agribusiness enterprise is a plus;
  • Experience in working with rural communities and/or youth, or motivated to do this;
  • Excellent planning, organizational, interpersonal and communication skills; experience as a trainer or coach is a plus; – Fluent in English.


ICCO Cooperation applies a policy of equal opportunities and accepts applications without distinction on the grounds of sex, race, color, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation.


Applications are made directly within the sending organisation, please check out the how to apply (https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/echo/eu-aid-volunteers_en/how-apply_en) section.

Eligibility and exception criteria:

The candidate for EU Aid Volunteers must be a citizen of the EU or a third-country national who is a long-term resident in an EU Member State and must have a minimum age of 18 years.

Availability for the following activities:

  • 12 days Central Training Brussels April 2020.
  • Apprenticeship/ Deployment starting from the data specified in the vacancy.


Learning Opportunities:

  • Access to different (online) e-trainings, e.g. Disaster Management, Disaster Risk Reduction, communication.
  • Security training of ICCO in The Netherlands.
  • Participation in staff meetings and close cooperation with project staff will result in knowledge sharing.
  • Opportunity to acquire experience of working at an international NGO in a developing country.

Working and Living Conditions:

Living conditions:

  • All costs associated with the apprenticeship and subsequent Ugandan deployment are fully covered providing a subsistence allowance, medical, travel and accommodation as well as insurance coverage. After an apprenticeship at the GO of ICCO in Utrecht, the volunteer will move to Uganda for the placement at ICCO Office in Kampala. The volunteer will work from there and travel approx.
  • 1-2 times per month to the project area. In the project area (Nebbi district and Lango sub-region) the volunteer will use a designated safe hotel for accommodation.
  • Accommodation in the cities where deployed will be provided.
  • The EU Volunteer shall have a clean lockable room with access to clean water and sanitation facilities. The room shall be located at a reasonable distance from the EU Aid Volunteers’ main working location.
  • To the extent possible, the communication shall facilitate the integration of the EU Aid Volunteer into the community and it will enable the volunteer to interact with the expatriate community.
  • The EU Aid Volunteers shall have access to means of communication enabling contact to the hosting and sending organisations as well as the volunteer’s relatives.
  • When travelling in-country in other (rural) areas for work, accommodation in local hotels or guesthouses will be provided for.

Working conditions:

-Regular working hours shall not exceed 40 hours per week on average, calculated over a four-month period.

-The volunteer shall have access to a dedicated working space in accordance with their task assignment and with agreed-upon safe, secure and healthy working conditions.

-All costs will be covered for the volunteer during deployment, and this includes accommodation in-country for the entire period of deployment, travel, and monthly subsistence payments per month (317,93Euros per month).


  • A roundtrip flight from/to the home country will be provided.
  • The cost of pre-departure preparations, including medical checks, vaccinations, visas, etc., will be provided.
  • The volunteer will be covered by a travel insurance plan provided by the sending organization.


  • A resettlement package will be provided to the volunteer in which a standard of 100 Euros will be provided for every single month spent in-country upon return to Europe, as well as a group debriefing.


Shortlisting and Interviews:

Interview Process:

  • The interviews will be held face-to-face or by an online interviewing process.

Expected date decision on outcome:


Date of training:

Apprenticeship Placement:

Pre-deployment preparation and induction:


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