Kampala University directed to recall degree awarded to Kenyan Politician

Degrees awarded by Kampala University on Feb 28, 2013 might be recalled following a recommendation by a committee set up by the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) to investigate the award of a degree to a Kenyan Politician.

According to the committee’s findings,  Hassan Ali Joho’s  award of a Bachelor’s degree of Business Administration falls short on NCHE’s parameter of awarding degrees in Uganda.

Mombasa governor, Hassan Ali Joho was awarded a Bachelor’s degree of Business Administration by Kampala University last year.

The committee also recommended that NCHE should carry out an investigation into the processes from admission to graduation of all the students who graduated with the Bachelor of Business Administration degree of Kampala University on February 28, 2013.

If the awarded degrees are found wanting by NCHE, it means those who graduated from Kampala University will lose their degree awards.

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