Kyamate SS receives material support after fire incident

Kyamate SS receives material support after fire incident

Different individuals, CSO’s and the government have joined forces to help students of Kyamate SS overcome the effects of the fire that destroy property and killed a student in February.

The school headmaster Mr Emmanuel Arinaitwe says many organizations have stepped in to help the school with materials like jerrycans, cups and plates, blankets, Mattresses, sanitary items, first aid kits and hand washing facilities.

“Since the fire broke out, we have had several organizations and people coming to our rescue, especially to students. Mattresses, beddings, books, and sanitary materials among others have been donated, we thank everyone. We however still face the challenge of space, new students are coming in and we can’t renovate the destroyed structure because of security restrictions, we are tied up and don’t know where to accommodate these,” he said on Monday. (Quote reported by Perez Rumanzi).


In February 2023, a group of students from Kyamate SS Ntungamo Municipality were suspended for bullying a 14 year senior one student identified as Bonus Ankwatireire. The angry students sneaked back to school, tied Ankwatireire on his bed and set the dormitory on fire in which he was burnt to death.

Some of the suspects have been arrested and a few still on the run.

Police inspecting the burnt dormitory.

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