Kyambogo leading Versity league with 17

By Mugote Micheal.

Kyambogo University football club are most likely to win the Nile special super six varsity football league Cup if the Kampala based University persuasively wins its two remaining games. Kyambogo leads the log with 17 points collected in 8 games. Nkumba and Makerere follow in the 2nd and 3rd positions respectively with 16 points apiece.

MUBS in 4th position with 13 points. MUBs also have a chance to clinch the league provided they win their 3 remaining games while praying negatively towards the top three teams (Kyambogo, Nkumba and Makerere) get respective draws in their ending games. KIU and UMU will end this season’s league in the 5th and 6th positions. The duo has 6 and 0 points in that order.  UGX 20M will be shared by the 6 teams with the overall winner taking a bigger percentage.

This league which is played on a-home and away basis,  is sponsored by the trio Ugandan companies of Nile special, Rwenzori water and Pepsi. The grand finale game is set for Wed 14th-11-2012 at Nkumba.

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