Life after University Academic Excellence; Makerere’s First Class – Where are they now?

Life after University Academic Excellence; Makerere’s First Class – Where are they now?

The best students academically only shine on the graduation day and seem to cease to wherever we don’t know. Today we are revealing them from their hiding spots from where they remain extraordinary and excellent. Though their shine my seem to have faded for many it is there in the work fields and projects

Immediate benefits for the overall best students

In most cases the winner gets money a prize that ranges from shs.500,000 to 1,000,000. This normally comes with various job offers, prince Ronnie Mukombe explains that he got job offer from New vision to work on salary, scholarships offers by universities within and from those overseas to mention but a few that’re worth working towards. So there is really a lot waiting for the academic giants.

Best students in colleges also receive awards in honor of their extra effort towards academic excellence.

Yes, it is no doubt worthwhile being Makerere’s best. However, not everyone is as happy. Some students claim that the University doesn’t give them enough support to shine even after campus.

Others claim that first classes have acted against them acquiring a job as most employers feel graduates with first class are proud and costly or may replace them.

This should not stop individuals who want first class degree as the benefits outweigh the costs;

Tips to getting First class at University

  1. Always be hungry for knowledge. Endeavour to be the kind that is always receptive towards knowledge and information.

2.Engage in discussions and discuss for other students what they have not understood. It helps you not to forget and understand more.

3.Be researcher, carry out research beyond what the lecturer offers to boost your thinking capacity and besides you need those research skills later in life.



  1. Be social because you do not know everything and you don’t have all you need. And you will need those social ties later in life.
  2. Consult as much as you can, even if it is just to clear some doubts.
  3. Prioritise and manage your time well most especially if you are working or have other engagements besides school. It will help you to balance and most essentially excel in your academics if you prioritise them.

If you cannot balance books and other engagements, it is better to prioritise studies because they are only for a short time.

  1. Do a self assessment so you know your weaknesses and strengths. Endeavour to exhaust the strengths and work on the weaknesses.

* We are all different, so choose what works for you not everyone else









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