Makerere Administrator Who Was Pictured Licking Student Released on Bail

Edward Kisuzze and the Victim Racheal Njoroge

The Makerere University top administrator in the names of Edward Kisuzze was on 11th May released on a 2 million cash bail by the Buganda Road Chief Magistrate James Mawanda Eremye,  as each of his sureties signed a 10 million bond  after spending a month in prison.

He was arrested by police on 13th April, 2018 after his victim  Njoroge Rachael exposed him on social media  by posting a picture she had recorded in the suspect’s office while he was trying to harass her sexually.

The state prosecutor Viola Tusingwire had objected to the defense’s bail application asserting that their side was ready to have the matter expeditiously heard, the magistrate has accepted his application on grounds that since investigations are ready, it is unlikely that Kisuzze would interfere with the investigations.

On 28th May, 2018 Kisuzze will be reporting back to Buganda Road Chief Magistrate’s Court in order to resume the hearing of the case.

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