Makerere University Fails to Trace Ms Jennifer Bamuturaki’s Transcript

Makerere University Fails to Trace Ms Jennifer Bamuturaki’s Transcript

“I have been to Makerere University to get my transcript but the file for our year with the transcripts couldn’t be traced because they moved the faculties. So I have been given time to wait until they find it,” Ms. Bamuturaki said.

The chief executive of Uganda Airlines, Ms. Jennifer Bamuturaki, this week told lawmakers investigating the mess at the national carrier that she lost her Senior Four documents and never picked up her transcript from Makerere University, where she graduated 28 years ago.

Giving detail of her academic papers and curriculum vitae that she submitted to the House Committee on Commissions Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (Cosase) that is probing findings of the Auditor General’s Report FY 2020/2021, Ms. Bamuturaki said she had tried three times to pick the certified record of her Social Works and Social Administration (SWASA) degree from Makerere but never succeeded.

She added that repeated phone calls to the university administration on the matter were futile.

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