Makerere University Main Gate Reopened

Makerere University Main Gate Reopened
The redesigned Makerere University Main Gate as seen on the approach from the CCE roundabout

The Makerere University main gate was officially reopened for use  on Thursday 14th December 2017 after undergoing renovations.

The renovations gave the main entry and exit point from the oldest public university in Uganda a massive facelift.

The Chairperson of Council, Eng. Dr. Charles Wana-Etyem presided over the reopening of the gate.

Eng. Dr. Charles Wana-Etyem said that the newly constructed gate was relocated in 2016 to create space for Chinese Communications Construction Company (CCCC) to reconstruct a new structure that depicts the stature of Makerere university.

“We wanted to have a main entrance that portrays the value, beauty and stature of Makerere University and I believe that this main gate once finished, is going to be the Face of Makerere we want to have,” he said.

Plans are underway to put a facility for people with disabilities.

“We are also planning to make this gate accessible to the people with disability. The gate will enable smooth entrance and exit to the general public, however, we expect them to follow the instructions that have been put in place,” he said.

Chair Council-Eng. Dr. Charles Wana-Etyem briefs his audience on the events leading to the relocation and redesign of the main gate

The Acting Vice Chancellor Dr. Ernest Okello Ogwang, encouraged students to protect and keep the prestige of the gate as it appears in the Makerere University Anthem.

“We should be proud of our own institution, this is a legendary gate, many prominent people have gone through this gate, so we should keep its prestige,” said Dr. Okello Ogwang.

In attendance were Members of Council, University Management, Kampala Capital Authority (KCCA) representatives; the supervisors of the project, Key partners, media and well-wishers.

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