Makerere University to Spearhead EAC Sustainable Plastic Use Project

Image result for College of Engineering Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) + plastic
Group photo after the workshop in front of College of Engineering Design Art and Technology(CEDAT): FILE PHOTO
The partnership that the mighty institute has made with other East African Universities is intended to promote sustainable use of plastic bottles.

The Universities are include University of Nairobi, University of Da-er-salaam and Aalto University of Finland.

According to the project Coordinator, Dr. Venny Nakazibwe, PBL East African project will enable students to apply the classroom knowledge.

“For instance we are a college of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology; we have an opportunity to have students come from different disciplines and join together to address a social issue, “she said
College of Engineering Design Art and Technology (CEDAT) students and Alto university students showing the innovated brick from plastic bottles: FILE PHOTO
Dr. Nakazibwe also said they have alraedy done the community awareness and collected the most dangerous plastics in numerous drainage systems.
“Am particularly glad to learn that CEDAT is committed at enhancing the use of PBL in our curriculum, the objective of PBL are in line with the strategic plan of Makerere University.The University is moving towards learner centered approach to teaching and being researched,” the Vice Chancellor, Prof.Barnabus Nawangwe noted.

Prof. Minna Halme from the Aalto University of Finland said the PBL approach helps to add value to the solution.The project will take a period of three-years project and it will be manned by the Finnish Ministry of Foreign affairs .

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