Massage from Makerere University Business School Guild President

Massage from Makerere University Business School Guild President
Banyenzaki Yoram, Makerere University Business School Guild President
Banyenzaki Yoram, Makerere University Business School Guild President

I take this opportunity to welcome students of Makerere University Business School (MUBS) from the long holiday. I wish you the best during this new academic year 2014/2015.

In pursuing the “MUBS we all want” I wish to invite the entire Makerere University Business School (MUBS) community for the general assembly on Monday 25th at the main library.

The Principal will deliver his first lecture to all students before other speakers.

The general assembly is aimed at ensuring that all stake holders in the institution are part of the continuous improvements in service delivery undertaken by MUBS.

Banyenzaki Yoram, Makerere University Business School Guild President.


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