Mbidde's expensive car leaves students in hot debate

Mbidde's expensive car leaves students in hot debate
Mbidde’s expensive car leaves students in hot debate

The Mukasa Mbidde car left many Nkumba Law students in admiration. The legislator in the East African Legislative Assembly turned up with an expensive car.

Mbidde was officiating at the 6th Annual Lawyers day at Nkumba University on 22nd March. Mbidde told students that he has never been poor and lawyers  just hear of poverty, no wander, the ride he was cruising said it all.

He told the students that the law profession is the only one that is next to God.  He narrated to the students that one time, a shaker was in charge of checking people supposed to enter heaven  at the gate and when an accountant turned up, he was denied entrance.

Then there followed a teacher who was also given a bloody nose. And finally a lawyer’s turn came. The shaker at the gate just and let the lawyer into heaven. When the shaker was asked why only the lawyer was let in, the shaker said professional ethics. Meaning that the lawyers are also shakers…….and very close to heave, leaving students in untold laughter”.

After Mbidde’s departure,students started debating the cost of the car and how much it consumes per kilometer while on the road. The debate was hotter than the ones in parliament over the marriage and divorce bill.

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