Minister launches book.

Prisca Mbaguta Sezi, minister of state for public service launching the book about meeting planning and management.(R) The author, Mary Goretti Katushabe Ssemwezi


Prisca Mbaguta Sezi, minister of state for public service recently launched a book about meeting planning and management, a guide for conducting productive meetings. The book was written by 57 year old Mary Goretti Katusabe Ssemwezi, a professional Literature and English teacher.

The minister urged the members of parliament to read this book and use it as a guide when conducting their meetings because they spend a lot of money and time while meeting in hotels and yet some of these meetings can be held in their boardrooms. “You find four MPs in an expensive hotel that they are compiling a report as if they cannot meet in their boardrooms” Prisca Mbaguta pointed out while speaking at the launch at Nkumba University.

The book that covers 268 pages spells out on how to organize a meeting right from notifying the members about the meeting, the venue, sitting arrangement, the purpose, writing of minutes, evaluation of the meeting among other things.

The Author has ever taught at Trinity College Nabingo, Lectured at National Teachers College Nkozi and served as the Academic Registrar of the current defunct Institute of Teacher Education Kyambogo, one of the institutions that were merged to form Kyambogo University. She also served as the University Secretary at Kyambogo before joining Nkumba where she is serving in the same capacity.

The launch was attended by MPs, Margret Kanyabuzana and Sheila Kawamala, Dr Abdul Kaziba Mpaata, Vice Rector Islamic University in Uganda, dons from different Universities, students among others.

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