MP Kassiano Wadri speaks out on Arua election chaos

MP Kassiano Wadri speaks out on Arua election chaos
Mr Kassiano Wadri takes oath before the deputy speaker
Kassiano Wadri swear-in as new Arua Municipality Mp: Photo by ALEX ESSAGALA
security operatives broke his hotel door and burst into the bathroom, he promptly volunteered information that he was armed and turned the pistol over to the then Arua District Police Commander, Mr Abbas Ssenyonjo.

The DPC was moved to Masaka the day after Yasin Kawuma(Bobi Wine’s driver) was shot dead, six took bullet wounds and up to 36 people, including Kassiano Wadri, were rounded up in a joint brutal army-police crackdown.

When they [security operatives] came and told us to march, I was the first person to tell them that I was armed and I withdrew my pistol and gave it to them. When I told them that I am armed, one policeman came and asked how I had got a gun…

I told them that I have owned my pistol for the past 20 years. The computer number of my gun is in [CIID] Kibuli [headquarter records] and I licence my gun every January at Arua Police Station

I believe security forces turned envious because my record  supporters surpassed the “children and trees” that the President Museveni had addressed a while earlier Arua Hill grounds.

He pledged to challenge the condition that barred him from travelling to Arua for three months as part of the stringent bail conditions.

 “I am the representative of the people of Arua Municipality. In order to exercise the elective role, you must be in-charge of the electorate and issues on the ground and be seen to air the concerns of the electorate.”



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