Mutesa Royal university students protest against poor toilets

Students of Mutesa I Royal University in Masaka district protested against the poor learning and living conditions worsened by the unhygienic toilets. The students had running battles with police during the strike forcing police to shower them with tear gas.

Besides being served poor meals, lecturers dodging classes, the students also complained of the university’s abolition of guild activities and yet they are forced to pay guild fees.

The university administration stopped students from holding guild elections and students lack guild leaders whom they can report their concerns to. The students are thus demanding for the sacking of the top administrators of the university if they can’t address their issues.

However,the Dean of students calmed the students after apologizing to them for the poor services and promised students that all their grievances will be worked on.

Stephen Tanui, the Masaka District Police Commander, says police is monitoring both the university administration and students’ conduct. He added that police will close the university if nothing is addressed.

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