NCHE starts verification process to grant Busoga University a charter

NCHE starts verification process to grant Busoga University a charter
Officials from NCHE during the inspection of Busoga University
Officials from NCHE during the inspection of Busoga University

The National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) Inspection team last month commenced the verification process at Busoga University following the institution’s application to be granted a charter.

The team is led by Prof. Paul Edward Mugambi, a mathematics Professor and former Vice Chancellor, Nkumba University.

“We are here to assess the progress made so far by the university and to ascertain if it is ready for a Charter.  We shall work as a team and I look forward to seeing yet another Chartered university coming up in our Country.”  Prof. Mugambi said.

Busoga university first applied for a Charter in September 2007 but was not successful.  Early this year, the University Council directed the university administration to re-submit an updated application showing the changes and improvements that have taken place since then.

The NCHE Council which sat on 24th March 2014 considered the application and set up the mentioned inspection team to come around to verify the facilities and academic programmes which the university has, in accordance with the NCHE standards.

The Ag. Vice Chancellor of Busoga university, Dr. Frank Nabwiso said Busoga University needs the Charter (the full license) because of the multifarious advantages it will gain.

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