Ndejje University Vice Chancellor

Prof. Eriabu Lugujjo, the Vice Chancellor of Ndejje University has been an academician for over thirty years. Prof. Lugujjo obtained a first class B.Sc degree in Mathematics and Physics at Makerere University. He did graduate studies leading to M.Sc and Ph.D degrees both in Electrical Engineering at California Institute of Technology, California U.S.A.

Prof. Lugujjo did postdoctoral work at Bell Labs specialising in Metal-Semiconductor systems using Ion channelling techniques.

Key Achievements

He served first as a head of the Electrical Engineering Department and later as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Makerere University were among the many things he had a big role in development of both undergraduate and graduate programmes in the department of Electrical Engineering and in the as faculty on the whole.

He also participated in formulating of UNDP/ UNESCO projects that sustained the Faculty during the turbulent time of late ‘70’s and early 80’s , and has represented Uganda in several Science and Technology meets at International level.


Sept. 1969 – Jun. 1974 African-America Graduate Fellowship (AFGRAD) undertook MSc and PhD degrees.
Feb 1974-Jun. 1974 Research Fellowship, California Institute of Technology (USA)
July 1974-Dec 1974 Postdoctoral Fellow, Bell Labs, New Jersey (USA)
June 1982-Sept.1982 UNESCO Fellow at Aachen (Germany)
Jan- April 1987 British Council Fellow at Brunel University (UK)


June 1975: Elected a scientific member to the Bohmische Physical Society (BPS) with the following citation: “For contribution to the understanding of Channeling Effects of Solids”
June 2003: Awarded a meritorious award by Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers for distinguished service in training and educating engineers.
July 2003: Recipient of the Founder’s Award 2003, Ions at California Institute of Technology Citation: For contributing to ion channeling and understanding of the Gold-Silicon Interface.
May 2006: Certificate of Recognition under the 2005/2006 Presidential Science Awards Cycle for contribution in advancement of Science and Technology.

Membership to Professional Societies

  • Member of Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers, MUIPE (No PE 267)
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • Bohmsche Physical Society (BPS)

Some of the works Prof. Lugujjo has published include: A. Sendegeya, E. Lugujjo, I.P. Da Silva, L. Soder, and M. Amelin. Application of Price Sensitivity Measurement Methods to Assess the Acceptance of Electricty Tariffs. A Case Study in Uganda. IEEE AFRICON 23-25 September 2009, Nairobi, Kenya.

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