Nkumba Guild Boss behind Kyambogo’s Buni censor.

Oneka Lit Denis,the outgoing UNSA President during last year’s UNSA elections at Kabalega SS in Masindi


The guild president of Nkumba University is allegedly said to have fostered the chaos in Kyambogo Guild politics aimed at censoring their President, Buni Christopher.

The Campus Times has learned that Felix Safiri Kayihura and the Vice Guild President of Kyambogo University were involved in secret meetings for the last two months planning for a possible exit of Buni as Kyambogo Guild President.

Buni has expressed interest in contesting for the coming Uganda National Students’ Association’s (UNSA) elections as president, a position that Kayihura is also eagerly warming for. UNSA lections are set for 28th-30th January 2013 at Ndejje university main campus in Luwero district.

Close sources reveal that among those intending to vie for this post, Buni is proving stronger than all the intending contenders of UNSA top job and thus posing a great threat to Kayihura who is the current UNSA speaker.

Besides the alleged embezzlement of Guild funds that Buni is accused of and that led to his suspension towards the end of last year as Kyambogo Guild President, UNSA politics has been at play in the recent Guild power struggles at Kyambogo University.

However, Kayihura who is alleged to be behind this entire saga refuted these allegations when The Campus Times contacted him about his involvement in destabilizing Kyambogo Guild affairs.

“I’m not informed, Kyambogo Guild is independent and student leaders are mature enough to separate the bad from the good, if they found out that Buni was not fit, they are right to push him out” Kayihura said.

Buni insists he is innocent and says that if the ongoing investigations prove him otherwise, he is ready to resign but his intention to contest for UNSA post still stands.

To qualify for UNSA president, one must be a student’s leader at a Tertiary institution or University in Uganda. This means that if Buni is censored out of office, he will not be legible to compete for the post.

The outgoing UNSA president, Denis Lit Oneka says all is set for UNSA to hold a free and fair election than never before.

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