Online teaching at IUIU

<em><strong><u>Online teaching at IUIU</u></strong></em>

It was during the COVID-19 pandemic when online teaching was introduced at IUIU. This measure was implemented due to the government’s closure of all institutions to prevent the spread of the virus. Online teaching at the Islamic University in Uganda played a crucial role in ensuring continued education while adhering to health and safety guidelines. Here are some aspects of online studying at IUIU during that time:

Lecturers used video conferencing software to deliver lectures, engage in discussions, and address students’ queries in virtual classrooms. These lessons could be conducted in real-time or through pre-recorded videos.

Students had access to digital resources such as e-books, online journals, and research databases through the university’s library. They could utilize these resources for studying and research purposes from any location.

The institution provided communication channels such as email, discussion forums, and messaging platforms to enhance student-lecturer and student-student engagement. These platforms facilitated clarification of concepts, course-related discussions, and collaboration on projects.

To support students in their online learning experience, the institution offered online support services, which included virtual academic guidance, counseling services, and technical assistance to address any issues that arose while studying online.

The curriculum was likely adjusted to accommodate the online learning format, ensuring the fulfillment of learning objectives. Lecturers utilized various online teaching methods such as multimedia presentations, interactive exercises, and virtual simulations.

During the online teaching period, a number of students were interviewed to gather their experiences, and both positive and negative remarks were given.

Naiga Shakira, a third-year law student at the Islamic University in Uganda, expressed a positive experience with online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to her, online classes were essential and fruitful. The reasons behind her positive remarks included:

– Accessibility and Convenience: Online classes allowed Naiga to access lectures and course materials from home, eliminating the need for commuting and saving time and expenses.

– Flexibility in Learning Schedule: Naiga appreciated the ability to review lectures and participate in virtual discussions at her own pace, enabling her to manage her studies alongside other responsibilities.

– Personalized Learning Experience: Naiga found that the virtual environment facilitated direct interaction with lecturers, allowing her to ask questions and receive prompt responses, leading to an enhanced understanding of the course content.

– Utilization of Technology: Naiga’s comfort with technology enabled her to benefit from multimedia presentations, online research databases, and other digital resources, enriching her learning experience.

– Adaptation to Online Environment: Naiga successfully adapted to the online learning environment, demonstrating self-discipline, time management, and effective utilization of online resources, contributing to her positive experience.

Abbie Karim, a second-year student of Business Administration at the Islamic University in Uganda, shared her challenges with online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some potential reasons behind her negative remarks:

Limited Internet Connectivity: Abbie might have faced difficulties with accessing stable internet connectivity. Inadequate internet infrastructure or unreliable connections can disrupt online classes, causing delays, buffering, or even complete disconnection. This can negatively impact the learning experience and hinder active participation.

Lack of Physical Interaction: Online classes often lack the face-to-face interaction that traditional classroom settings provide. Abbie may have missed the opportunity to engage directly with her classmates and lecturers, ask questions in real-time, or participate in group activities. This absence of physical interaction can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation or reduced motivation.

Technical Challenges: Online learning relies heavily on technology, and technical issues can be a significant hurdle for some students. Abbie might have encountered difficulties with using online platforms, accessing course materials, or troubleshooting technical problems. Insufficient technical support or limited familiarity with the required tools can impede the learning process.

Distractions and Lack of Structure: Studying from home can present various distractions, such as noise from family members or household responsibilities. Abbie might have found it challenging to maintain focus and establish a structured study routine in a non-academic environment. This lack of a controlled learning environment can impact concentration and productivity.

Reduced Engagement and Interaction: Online classes can sometimes result in reduced student engagement and limited opportunities for interactive discussions. Abbie might have felt that the virtual format made it more difficult to actively participate in class discussions, ask questions, or engage in collaborative activities. This can hinder the development of critical thinking and communication skills.

Adaptation to Online Learning: Some students may face difficulties adapting to the online learning format, especially if they are accustomed to traditional face-to-face instruction. Abbie may have found it challenging to adjust to the new methods of online teaching, such as managing her own learning pace, staying organized, or navigating different online platforms.

Madam Sharifa, the head of the Mass Communication faculty at the Islamic University in Uganda, highlighted the advantages of online teaching for both lecturers and students. Here are some potential reasons behind her positive remarks:

Flexibility in Teaching: Online teaching offers lecturers the flexibility to conduct classes at any time and from any location. This flexibility allows them to accommodate various schedules and commitments. Lecturers can pre-record lectures or conduct live sessions, making it easier to cater to the diverse needs of students.

Accessible Learning: Online teaching provides accessibility to education regardless of geographical barriers. Lecturers can reach a wider audience, including students who may have difficulty attending on-campus classes due to distance, mobility constraints, or other limitations. This inclusiveness promotes equal opportunities for education.

Enhanced Learning Resources: Online teaching often involves the use of multimedia resources and digital tools that can enrich the learning experience. Lecturers can incorporate interactive presentations, videos, online quizzes, and other engaging materials to enhance understanding and retention of the course content.

Increased Interaction and Collaboration: Online teaching platforms typically offer various features that facilitate student-lecturer and student-student interaction. Lecturers can conduct virtual discussions, engage in one-on-one communication, or facilitate group projects and assignments. This fosters active participation, collaborative learning, and the exchange of ideas among students.

Self-Paced Learning: Online teaching allows students to learn at their own pace. Lecturers can provide recorded lectures or learning materials that students can access and review at their convenience. This flexibility accommodates different learning styles and enables students to revisit the content as needed for better comprehension.

Efficient Feedback and Assessment: Online teaching platforms often provide efficient systems for submitting assignments and receiving timely feedback from lecturers. This streamlined process enables lecturers to provide prompt feedback, track students’ progress, and conduct assessments effectively, enhancing the overall learning experience.

Cost and Time Savings: Online teaching eliminates the need for students and lecturers to commute to campus, reducing transportation costs and saving valuable time. This can be particularly advantageous for students who live far away from the university or have other commitments alongside their studies.

Madam Sharifa’s positive remarks highlight the benefits that online teaching can bring to lecturers and students in terms of flexibility, accessibility, interaction, and efficiency. However, it’s important to recognize that there may be challenges and limitations associated with online teaching as well, as mentioned earlier. The overall effectiveness of online teaching depends on various factors, including the availability of reliable internet connectivity, adequate resources, and appropriate support from the university.

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