“President Museveni never stopped me from tweeting”- Gen Muhoozi

“President Museveni never stopped me from tweeting”- Gen Muhoozi

The commander of Land Forces in the UPDF, Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba has scoffed at a section of Ugandans who say that he was stopped from tweeting by his father who is also the President, Yoweri Museveni.

Between January and June this year, Muhoozi was very vocal on Twitter and often made tweets which some Ugandans especially those from the opposition found provocative.

However, since the last week of June, the First son’s twitter activity has declined, leaving many wondering why the ‘Tweeting General’ as labelled by some, had decided to go silent.

This led to a speculation that Muhoozi had been stopped from tweeting by the Commander in Chief (CiC), Museveni due to his ‘imprudent’ tweets which were believed to have caused internal unsettlement in the army.

However, in a Thursday tweet, Muhoozi rubbished the claims and said he has never been stopped from tweeting by President Museveni.

He added that the people driving that narrative, are those that are scared of the young people like him.

“President Museveni never stopped me from tweeting. That is a fabrication by people who are scared of us. And by ‘Us’ I mean the young people of this country i.e. ‘New Uganda’.” Muhoozi said in a tweet.

Shortly after, Muhoozi made another tweet in which he boasted that he is great and does not need anyone’s help to be so.

“I want to inform everybody that I, Muhoozi Kainerugaba, do not need anybody on this earth to make me great! I am great because I am a Christian and Jesus Christ loves me!” he tweeted.

It should be remembered that prior to reduction in his Twitter activity, Muhoozi had been using his platform which now boasts over 573,000 followers, to voice out opinions on different political matters like the Ethiopia-Tigray conflict and the Rwanda-DRC problem.

At the time, there were growing fears that his tweets were threatening regional balance.

However, in the aftermath of a meeting between Museveni and the army top command in Ntungamo, Muhoozi went silent on Twitter. This led to many assuming that he had been stopped by the CiC from tweeting.

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