Prof. Venansius Baryamureeba to contest for Presidency in 2016

Prof. Venansius Baryamureeba to contest for Presidency in 2016
Prof. Venansius Baryamureeba

Prof. Venansius Baryamureeba has announced his interest in contesting as President of Uganda in the coming general elections set for 2016.

“I accept the Presidential nomination by Progressive Ugandans. I accept it without any reservations and I promise to devote every effort of body, mind and spirit to lead the Progressive Ugandans to victory in the 2016”, the former Vice Chancellor of Makerere University says.

Prof. Baryamureeba says Progressive Ugandans are Ugandans that put peoples’ progress first, adding that the Progressive Ugandans’ platform is one on which he can run with enthusiasm and conviction and win the 2016 Presidential election.

He notes that the key campaign issues of the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party are out of touch with reality amongst most Ugandans.

The renowned educationist also pines the opposition parties like FDC,  UPC, DP and many others for failing to resonate with the young generation, which is the post 1986 generation that is not concerned with either the past struggles that brought NRM to power in 1986 or the struggles that led to independence of Uganda in 1962.

“After over 30 years of drugged and fitful sleep, Uganda needs strong, creative and transformative leadership at State House. President Museveni’s generation, together with all his Bush-war comrades have had an opportunity to lead Uganda for the last 30 years and now is time for the current generation to lead our country to greatness”, he says adding that he is the best candidate to take Uganda forward.

“My record and views spanning several years in several key sectors like education, health, agriculture, job creation, corruption, institutional building, regional governments, culture and the state, church and the state, and resisting pressure from any source in the performance of my public and private duties should be clear by now to every”, he says.

“By repeating past mistakes coupled with accepting and entrenching corruption in government, President Museveni has gradually transformed himself into Saul (1 Samuel 15: 23)….So just like God replaced Saul with David (2 Samuel 5: 1-3) come 2016, God shall replace President Museveni with Prof. Baryamureeba as President of Uganda in 2016…….”, Prof. Baryamureeba says while emphasizing his bid for Presidency.

He further picks another Bible quote from Matthew 5: 14-16, “……let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven….It is only and only then that….”You Will Be As a Shining City Upon a Hill”.

As you and me wait for time to see a “Shining City Upon a Hill”, below is a video showing Prof. Baryamureeba announcing his bid for President of Uganda in 2016.

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